Acta Chimica Asiana: Announcements <p><strong>Acta Chimica Asiana </strong>(online <a href=";1489059749&amp;1&amp;&amp;">ISSN 2550-0503</a>, print <a href=";1489064854&amp;1&amp;&amp;">ISSN 2550-049x</a>) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes high-quality original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. It niquely addresses the chemical challenges and opportunities in tropical and subtropical regions, providing a platform for research often underrepresented in other journals. Significant finding that is insufficient to be presented as comprehensive paper but needs to reach the reader immediately may also be submitted as a short communication. The editors welcome original contributions that have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere. This journal published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the Indonesian Chemical Society, Chapter Nusa Tenggara and the University of Mataram</a>. <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">All published papers free of charge.</a></em> Upon request, language assistance may also be provided to ensure valuable works in chemistry meet their readers.</p> <p>Acta Chimica Asiana has been Accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia. The recognition published in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Director Decree No.85/M/KPT/2020.</a></p> <p>Acta Chimica Asiana publishes original research articles, review articles, as well as short communication in all areas of chemistry, including applied chemistry, and chemical engineering. Subject areas include (but are by no means limited to):</p> <p>1. Analytical chemistry, including new techniques and instrumentation<br />2. Biochemistry and medicinal chemistry<br />3. Inorganic chemistry, including main group, transition metal, and f-block compounds, as well as coordination, organometallic, and solid state chemistry<br />4. Materials chemistry of hard and soft matter, from the nanoscale upwards<br />5. Nuclear chemistry and radioactivity<br />6. Organic chemistry, including synthesis, characterization, and properties of organic compounds, as well as study of organic reactions and their mechanisms<br />7. Physical chemistry and chemical physics<br />8. Sustainable, green, and environmental chemistry<br />9. Theoretical and computational chemistry</p> en-US Sun, 19 Sep 2021 15:32:34 +0800 OJS 60